Sidr Honey | Beri Honey | Beri Ka Shehad
Sidr Honey is the most premium and desired honey harvested from the Hindukush Himalaya
region of South Asia. This unique monofloral honey is derived from the flowers of the wild
jujube trees present in the dense forests at the foothills of the Hindukush. Beekeepers harvest
this honey, which is free of pesticides, preservatives, and antibiotics once a year in
• NECTAR SOURCE: Wild Sidr Flowers only.
• CONSISTENCY: Smooth, viscous, rich, and moderately thick.
• COLOUR: Medium to dark amber.
• TASTE: Robust with butterscotch & caramel notes.
• PROPERTIES: Lowers bad cholesterol, strengthens the immune system, good for
athletes, elderly, and pregnant women for its high mineral content.
Hard work pays you generously! It is the instinct and tough work of honey bees that turns
nectar into honey. At Hiba Life, we work hard to harvest and pack honey using modern
processes so that you can enjoy it in its purest and natural form.
بیری کا شہد
Cold extracted 100% organic Sidr Honey
Get pure Sidr honey in Pakistan, infused with rich flavor and excellent quality at best prices. It
lowers cholesterol and strengthens the immune system. This Sidr Honey aka Beri Honey is
collected by bees that feed on the nectar of the Sidr tree and it has a strong and distinct taste
that distinguishes it from other honey